Voices of Wisdom – FREE Weekly Writing Classes for Seniors 55+
Voices of Wisdom: Preserving the Stories of Our Elders
A free writing class series for Calaveras County seniors, 55+, at Manzanita Arts Emporium, made possible with support from California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit www.calhum.org. And from a generous grant from the Calaveras Community Foundation to publish the culminating publication, VOICES of Wisdom. This worthy project assists seniors in recording their stories in written form and polishing them for publication if they would like the story in the public eye.
Highly qualified writing coaches and teachers will each facilitate four writing sessions in a month, one per week, for two hours each session. Then, coaches help participants shape their writing for a culminating publication for release to the public. There will be a celebratory reading at the Central Library in San Andreas in December, where writing seniors will share their published and unpublished works.
Email: manzanitawp@gmail.com or call: (209)754-0577
Open to Calaveras residents and Mother Lode residents. A multi-sensory approach to unlocking memories, coupled with other techniques the teachers have utilized in their teaching and writing experience, will assist the writer in retrieving details that may have been lost or buried.
Every Tuesday from 12:30-2:30 PM
Capturing and preserving the stories of our elders – The anthology project, with several volumes of writing from participants in the program is made possible by generous grants from the Calaveras Community Foundation. California Humanities has sponsored 2019 classes. Participants may want to include their writing in the culminating anthology, with polished writing produced during the workshops. Manzanita Writers Press conducts these free writing workshops for seniors 55+.
Mary Sexton Sip n Paint
Private paint parties – book a spot for your group at the link above.
Check monthly calendar for dates and times — normally the 3rd Friday of the month
Past events:
Whim Paint Parties presents:
Paint Night with Mary Sexton in Angels Camp
Manzanita Arts Emporium and Gallery
1211 S. Main St., Suite 110, Angels Camp, CA – 95222 –(209)728-6171 –
$40 fee includes all paint supplies and wine is complimentary. Limited enrollment, so sign up now. For reservations contact marysexton@comcast.net or call 209-770-5818 or Manzanita Arts Emporium Gallery at 209-728-6171. $20 deposit
Leave your stress at the door, Relax and have fun!
November’s topic:
Benefits of Paint Parties:
Painting uses both the left and right side of the brain. It uses your creative and emotional side, as well as your rational and logical thinking.
Even in a group setting, painting is a solo activity that allows you to focus on the task at hand leaving your worries behind, as the stress begins to melt away. Paint Parties boost your self-confidence. In a non-competitive atmosphere everyone is treated equally regardless of abilities.
Learning how to handle a paintbrush helps to strengthen fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.
Painting sparks creativity and makes good use of the imagination. Each painting becomes as unique as its painter.
At Paint Parties whether Coffee ‘n Canvas or Sip ‘n Paint, there is always opportunity to laugh, socialize, and make some fun-filled memories. $45.00 per person – all materials provided including canvas, paints, and brushes – wine is complimentary.
Song Posse 
Song Posse meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm for an evening of music sharing, poetry & storytelling. Drop-in guests are always welcome! We are in our 8th fun and faithful year. A core group includes keyboardists, songwriters, guitarists, old-time banjo, mandolin and fiddle. Many genres are represented; with a clear preference for acoustic. Shy persons & visitors are encouraged to participate or not. We are a non-judgmental group of locals who love getting together around the healing, joyful, life-documenting and affirming energy of Music. Unexpected & delicious harmonies often ensue. First Saturdays 5:30-8 pm at the Center for Creativity back barn, 23 W. St. Charles (Hwy 49) San Andreas. Second and Fourth Saturdays of the month we meet in the Gallery at Manzanita Arts Emporium, 1211 So. Main Street in Angels Camp. For questions or directions, please call Chrys Mollett 209-728-1439 or 736-0210. (Telephone at Manzanita is 209-728-6171)
Building Your Website using WordPress – January 23, 2018 – 1-4 PM. Tuesday.
Dale Baker supports creative people in building their websites from scratch with his help. Your website can be up in a day. Sign up a week before the class to get instructions on the preparations needed ahead of class to get your website up and running. $30