Writers at gatherings and workshops, classes and publicity events:
Monika Rose, poet and editor, and Gary Rose, artist
Linda Toren, poet and author of Raven Braids the Wind
Kevin Arnold, author of Sureness of Horses and Do Not Think Badly of Me
Writers Unlimited night writers meet at Manzanita Arts Emporium in Angels Camp. 2016
Recent photos up to March 2020:
- Cate with her stonecarving
- Jim Fletcher, “official storyteller of Calaveras County,” photographed with a bronze statue of Mark Twain at Camps Restaurant in Angels Camp, Calif., where he gives a weekly presentation on Twain’s “88 Days in the Mother Lode.”
Fundraiser in 2017:
- Mumbo Gumbo band
- Mumbo Gumbo band
- Glenn Wasson & Marti Crane
- Happy Guests
- Event organizers Joy Roberts and Monika Rose
- Lovely setting at the Pickle Patch
- Silent auction with gorgeous art
- Buffet with chicken tortellini
- Marti Crane – raffle ticket queen!
Writers at the Hotel Leger after a workshop.
Launch of Ted Laskin’s book, Chance, A Jockey’s Odyssey. This is Nate Laskin with father, Ted, at the launch event and reading.
Joy Roberts, fiction editor and finance director of Manzanita Writers Press edited Chance.
Ted Laskin and his son at Ted’s book launch
Stephen Holmes and Dave Self, of Writers Unlimited — both published authors
Dana Gioia Poetry program
Dana Gioia visits Calaveras County 2017
Monika Rose, Director of MWP, and California Poet Laureate Dana Gioia at a poetry event hosted by MWP at Angels Camp Museum and Carriage House June 17, 2017. A great gathering of local and regional poets to celebrate the release of the anthology, Out of the Fire (based on the stories of the 2015 Butte Fire).
Dana Gioia speaks at Angels Camp Museum in June 2017 at Manzanita Writers Press event and book launch of Out of the Fire
Russ Alford, editor and publisher of Calaveras Chronicle front row, listens to Dana Gioia speak. Behind him is Mary Gioia, the poet’s wife.
Monika Rose, Founding Director of Manzanita Writers Press reviews Steve Archer’s manuscript, Searchers, Book One of the Irish Clans series. 2015
Below, Lou Gonzalez and Jennifer Hoffman preparing for their workshop on eBook formatting held at the Calaveras Art Gallery in San Andreas. 2012
Author Sal Manna at a reading in Valley Springs hosted by Manzanita Writers Press – 2006
Monika reading her poetry at Barnes & Noble in Stockton, 1990s.
Monika Rose with a selfie of Anne Lamott at the National Kidney Foundation fundraiser author luncheon event. 2016
Writers Unlimited group in 2009
Dale Baker, author, Writers Unlimited member, videographer for CCTV
Rachel Arce-Jaeger with her first novel and Monika Rose, MWP Director – at the Calaveras Jumping Frog Jubilee & County Fair Manzanita Book Table
Linda Lee, Bay Area Website Designer, led several MWP workshops on WordPress and online marketing —
C. Michael Curtis, Atlantic Monthly Fiction editor, and Monika Rose, MWP editor and author, at a fiction workshop series hosted by Zoe Keithley in Sacramento
Sally Kaplan, producer and director of Back Country Pictures, a California film company in the Mother Lode.
Jim Fletcher, author of Mark Twain’s 88 Days in the Mother Lode, interviewed by Beth Ruyak on her show, Insight, on Capitol Public Radio in Sacramento, with Monika Rose, editor and publisher of Jim’s book.
Monika Rose, MWP Director, with Conrad Levasseur, Public Relations, Ironstone Vineyards, a long-time sponsor of writing events and Manzanita publications over the years. This event was a Butte Fire aftermath session, displaying the Pieces Vignettes art installation for the first time in public, with guests speaking about the impact of the fire on the community. 2016
KVGC representative who led a workshop on how writers can publicize on radio
Antoinette May, novelist and columnist, and Writers Unlimited affiliate, visiting the free summer Squaw Valley lectures with authors and friends
David Vassar and Sally Kaplan, BackCountry Pictures Producers and Directors, Arnold, CA
Scott Thomas Anderson, author of two books, Sacramento News & Review reporter with longtime Mother Lode connections
Monika at Getty Ambau’s author party for the release of Desta.
Monika Rose and Joy Roberts discuss a manuscript as editors at Manzanita Writers Press
Robin Modlin with fragments of Butte Fire donated pottery and other mementos going into the Pieces art collection and Pieces Wall – 2016
Monika Rose, writing by the Tuolumne River at Tuolumne Meadows annual Poetry Festival.
Kevin Brady, artist, and Marty Johnson Brady at Dana Gioia’s poetry talk and MWP Out of the Fire book launch. 2017
Glenn Wasson, author, and Linda Field, author, with Pat Kaunert as Mark Twain — at the Calaveras Jumping Frog Jubilee & Fair
Monika Rose with Dana Gioia at the June poetry event and release of Out of the Fire book
Kathy Isaac-Luke, poet, and another author at the Manzanita Writers Press table at the Calaveras Jumping Frog Jubilee and Fair
Mumbo Gumbo performing at Arts Harvest fundraisers for MWP, 2016 and 2017.
Monika Rose at a poetry gathering at Black Sheep Winery tasting room garden in Murphys, reading from her poetry book, River by the Glass.
Stephen Finlay Archer at Temple Bar Pub in Ireland, the image of which graces his book, The Rising, book three in his Irish Clans series published by Manzanita Writers Press — book three release in May 2018.
Manzanita Literary seminar held in Murphys, with Mike Taylor, editor of the Sierra Lodestar, Scott Thomas Anderson, columnist for the Ledger Dispatch, Antoinette May, SF Chronicle and Lodestar columnist and author, and Bonnie Miller, Lodestar columnist.
Glenn Wasson, Writers Unlimited member, flashes the writers group, demonstrating he’s not just a flash in the pan, but a flash fiction writer. 2008?
Joy Roberts, avid reader, Writers Unlimited member, and fiction editor at Manzanita Writers Press also happens to be the Finance Director of MWP.

Jim Fletcher, “official storyteller of Calaveras County,” photographed with a bronze statue of Mark Twain at Camps Restaurant in Angels Camp, Calif., where he used to give a weekly presentation on Twain’s “88 Days in the Mother Lode,” that inspired his new book that Manzanita Writers Press edited and published in 2015, Mark Twain’s 88 Days in the Mother Lode & Goldrush Stories.
Durlyn Anema, at a book table event hosted by MWP, in Valley Springs
Chrys Mollett, of the Aeolian Harp, relocated to Manzanita Arts Emporium and is Music Director on the MWP Board. She gives music lessons and has a wealth of expertise in music and musical instruments. She leads the Song Posse Saturday nights at MAE.
Book table by Manzanita Writers Press at a wine tasting on Main Street in San Andreas, hosted by the Calaveras County Arts Council who, up until May 2016, was MWP fiscal sponsor and umbrella parent. Thank you for all you do for the arts, CCAC!
Manzanita Writers Press Board – January 2016
Left front starting from center: Suzanne Murphy, Joy Roberts, Cate Culver, Connie Strawbridge, Jackie Rogers, Jennifer Hoffman, Monika Rose, Janet Trinkle, and not shown, taking the photo, Stephen Archer. Joyce Dedini (not present, not shown).
(Board member changes as of May 2016 – Cate Culver, Janet Trinkle, Connie Strawbridge no longer on the board)
New board members added in 2016: Chrys Mollett, and Sally Kaplan, and in 2018, Sherri Bloomer, Patricia Grant.
Board members who crossed over into heaven in 2018: Suzanne Murphy and Jennifer Hoffman.
Going way back – authors read at Barnes & Noble and lead talks about writing. Center, Monika Rose and Kathie Isaac-Luke flank the B & N manager.
Blanche Abrams performs a dramatic reading of Edgar Allan Poe”s poem, “The Raven,” for a gathering at Manzanita Arts Emporium, 2016
Chairs for Charity masterpiece donation submitted by Manzanita Writers Press
Glenn Wasson as Black Bart at a gathering of writers for an event at the Calaveras County Historic Courthouse and Museum – we dressed as historic writers. Monika Rose, back, as Emily Dickinson. Daniel Williams, as John Muir. Dave Self, as Ambrose Bierce. Ted Laskin, as Mark Twain. I forget the year — 1990s.
Brett Bunge, former Social Media director for MWP, and Linda Field, former MWP fiction editor, read Polar Express for the Christmas crowd, December 2016 at Manzanita Arts Emporium in Angels Camp.
Lucy Sanna, Genevieve Beltran, Monika Rose, and Kevin Arnold’s wife, volunteers, at the National Kidney Foundation Author Luncheon in San Francisco.
Butte Fire on the ridge behind Monika’s ranch home. Time to leave. 2015
Visit to Squaw Valley Community of Writers summer lectures.
Kathy Boyd Fellure, John, author friend, with Monika Rose, right. Monika is an alumni of two Squaw Valley Community of Writers week-long workshops — Poetry 1995 and Fiction Writing2002. Monika also attended at least two Art of the Wild week-long workshops back in the day. Memories . . .
Hey, how did this fellow leap onto the Manzanita Arts Emporium bookshelf, looking for something to consume? He’s quite the imp. His tongue is lolling over Mark Twain’s 88 Days book, I see.
Writers Workshop hosted by MWP in Murphys. 2008?
Conrad Levasseur, poet and Community Public Relations director at Ironstone Vineyards, reads his Butte Fire loss poem from the Out of the Fire anthology, June 2017.

Jim Lanier and Glenn Wasson at Barnes & Noble – 2011?
Kevin Brady and Marta Johnson Brady dressed to the nines for Sherlock night at Hein & Company in Jackson.
Monika Rose, MWP Director, speaks at the Emporium about Butte Fire experiences. 2016
Nancy Gidden, Calaveras County Librarian, at Dana Gioia poetry event at Angels Museum, hosted by MWP – June 17, 2017
Find your favorite regional author at Manzanita Arts Emporium book store.
Glenn Wasson, the flasher, once again. Notice how interested the dog is. That’s Ted Laskin’s dog. In the background, left to right, and in shock: Dave Self (passed to the other side December 2017), Penny West, Jackie Richmond (passed in 2013), Monika Rose, Ted Laskin (passed in 2016), and Joy Roberts.
Out of the Fire anthology, a collection of poems, essays, and photography in the aftermath of the devastating Butte Fire that decimated areas in Mokelumne Hill, San Andreas, and Mountain Ranch. From Sept 9 to October 1, 2015, approx 71,000 acres burned, over 550 homes lost, and another 400-plus structures lost, and many more partially burned. Millions of trees burned and millions more succumbing to drought and the bark beetle. We are a community in recovery. Manzanita Writers Press staff started Manzanita Arts Emporium in October 2017 as a stay against destruction, desiring the creation of a beautiful artistic place as a safe haven.
Gold Rush Writers retreat participants with Antoinette May
MWP planned this retreat and writers conference on a weekend in 2016, along with the Mark Twain Wild West Fest.
Monika Rose going over Glenn Wasson’s manuscript of Tales Mark Twain Would Have Loved to Steal, published in 2008.
Writers enjoying a night reading in the Hotel Leger ballroom.
Writers Dave Self, Jerry Tuck, and Janet Langton and others at a Writers Unlimited meeting back in the day — 2000-and something, like maybe 2005?
2015 July Book launch of Jim Fletcher’s cool new book published by MWP.
Writers at the County Fair book table — Back left: Stephen Holmes, Monika Rose, Paul Stein, and front left to right: Antoinette May and Linda Field – Manzanita has an author table every year at the Calaveras Frog Jump
Writers Unlimited member and author, Nitya Prema
Poetry reading — Monika Rose’s River by the Glass 2011
Antoinette May’s novel workshop was a great success
Getty Ambau’s workshop on nutrition
Tech Talk Workshop Series with Bret Bunge 2016
Storytelling for the Kids at Manzanita, led by Cynthia Restivo, 2016
Linda Field and her trusty camera – as reporter for the Calaveras Enterprise and MWP Fiction editor, 2014
Monika Rose, MWP Founding Director and Editor — has a chat with Mark Twain about literary matters in the Mother Lode and whatever happened to Jim Smiley and that little ole frog. Such a shame. Did the frog get lead poisoning? Did Jim Smiley lose his reputation?
What happened to the stranger who won the bet? Look at Twain smile.
Book Event at Ironstone Vineyards – Left to right:
Jim Lanier, L. Trezise, Getty Ambau, Monika Rose, Joy Roberts
Joy Roberts, Finance Director at MWP
Gold Rush Writers Conference workshop leaders:
Kathy Boyd Fellure, Monika Rose, Linda Field, Lucy Sanna, Kathie Isaac-Luke, and Conference Director, Antoinette May
Lou Gonzalez, writer
Monika Rose and Antoinette May at the Kidney Author Luncheon in SF
Monika Rose book launch at Barnes & Noble in Stockton- great audience! 2011.

Antoinette May, Linda Field, Monika Rose, Glenn Wasson, Getty Ambau at Getty’s Book Launch Party, 9/25/10
Monika Rose with author of Beautiful Ruins, Jess Walter.
Monika Rose, Kathy Boyd Fellure, and Stephen Holmes up at the summer lectures at Squaw Valley Community of Writers
Jim Lanier at the book event at Ironstone Vineyards, upon release of his eBook, the Bizarre Bazaar. He’s looking at one! Manzanita anthologies.
Some of the Writers Unlimited members, early 2000s or late 1990s, Mad Hatter Moment.
Left to right back: Glenn Wasson, Dave Self, Jackie Richmond, Ted Laskin – Front: Monika Rose, Sherry Snyder
Jackie Richmond, Poetry Editor Manzanita Volume 5, with husband Jack. Both have passed into the next dimension.

Jim Lanier and Glenn Wasson
Monika reads at Shine in Sacramento. 2015?
Joy Roberts working with Ted Laskin on his manuscript, General Custer, Please Come to the White Courtesy Phone — the eclectic collection of humorous essays and short fiction had nothing to do with Custer at all, many of them being a collection of witty lawyer tales and adventures. 2007
Brett Hall Jones, director of the summer workshops at Squaw Valley Community of Writers holding up Monika Rose’s book, River by the Glass, sold up at the alumni and participant bookstore at Squaw Valley. 2012
Cate Culver in progress on her manzanita painting, which was on view at Manzanita Arts Emporium. Some of Cate’s work was on display at MAE, along with her card rack with greeting cards based on nature subjects.
Joy Roberts in a gleeful moment! Which is usually always.
Our electronic sign announcing events at the gallery.
Signs and such in the Western Room of the Manzanita Arts Emporium book room.
Bob Rogers and Judy Laws presented a series of talks at Manzanita about the restoration of two Navy ships that they were spearheading in the past and were instrumental in organizing and fulfilling –the USS Hornet, and the USS Iowa, a carrier. 2016
Steve Archer holds up his first novel in his Irish Clans series, Searchers, which had recently been released in March 2016. He is at the book table at the Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee. In the background is the Pieces Vignettes exhibit. Manzanita Writers Press published the book to go along with the exhibit pieces.
Mary Sexton led Sip n Paint Whim parties at Manzanita Arts Emporium every third Friday of the month from 6-9. The cost, $45, includes all materials, instruction, and complimentary wine, beverages and hors d’oeuvres.
Patty Payne, artist at Manzanita Arts Emporium, also walks dogs and volunteers at the Calaveras Humane Society. She has a collection of prints and cards showcasing these rescue dogs and Humane Society adoptees.
Monika Rose in the middle of leading a workshop on integrating allusions and literary language into prose at the Tuolumne Writers Retreat, 2015.
Melissa Holmes at Ted Laskin’s book launch in 2012
Gary Rose, abstract artist at Manzanita Arts Emporium
Manzanita Book display at a book fair in Calaveras County
Bonnie Miller, former Las Calaveras writer and editor and former Lodestar columnist and freelance writer.
Kathie Isaac-Luke, poet, author, and Theatre Reviewer for the Union Democrat, and also a co-coordinator assisting with Gold Rush Writers Conference every year
Antoinette May, author and columnist, Director of Gold Rush Writers Conference every year.
Bob Yeager, author and supporter of the literary arts — attending Gold Rush Writers Conference
Charles Luke assists with Gold Rush Writers Conference at the Book Sales table and with events at the conference
Suzanne Murphy, MWP Public Relations Director, Editor, and workshop leader, presents a writing exercise at Voices of Wisdom free writing classes offered by MWP made possible by a generous grant from the Calaveras Community Foundation. RIP, Suz.
Voices of Wisdom participants
Song Posse participants at Chrys Mollett’s music jam held every Saturday night.
Banjo player at Song Posse
Flute player Tiger Windwalker and Chrys Mollett at Song Posse
Ty Childress, photographer at Manzanita Arts Emporium
Tiger Windwalker and Chrys Mollett at Song Posse
Mary Sexton group of participants at her Whim Paint Party
Gary Rose, artist, with some of his hard-edge design paintings and wall sculptures.
Chrys Mollett at Dana Gioia poetry event
Gary Rose art work
Gary and Monika Rose at an art installation by Gary Rose
Monika led the Ekphrastic (writing about art) workshop at Mountain Ranch Community Center – 2014
Cristi Canepa in a museful moment, camera in hand, ready to snap an artistic shot – Cristi has framed photography, prints, and photography on metal with fantastic scenes of the Sierra, Mother Lode, and other natural places in California and beyond in Manzanita Arts Emporium — come see!
Sandy Rogers of Song Posse, belting out one of her songs from her new CD in a jam session on Saturday night at MAE.
Pat Kaunert as Mark Twain
Ernie Sites led a workshop on cowboy poetry writing at MAE the day before the Wild West Fest in Angels Camp for the Story Roundup, hosted by Manzanita Writers PRess.
Pat Kaunert and Ernie Sites. Notice Kevin Brady’s Vetruvian frog watercolor right behind them. Kinda says it all.