A free presentation for the public
Presented by Barry Boulton of the Central Audubon Society
When: April 19th at 6pm
Where: Manzanita Arts Emporium, 1211 S. Main Street, Angels Camp
RSVP to reserve your seat, please. Limited seating. Call 209-728-6171 or email: manzanitawp@gmail.com
Every living creature that can fly is already way ahead in the “that’s amaz-ing” stakes, but for some birds, amazing doesn’t quite get you there . . .
Take the Black Skimmer that so elegantly floats at a precise height above the water’s surface with only its longer lower mandible cutting through the water; it’s hoping to hit a small fish whereupon its bill will snap shut!
Using high definition video techniques, we will watch Skimmers and other birds as they revel in their water environments to display these fascinating behaviors – they don’t mean to entertain us, but they surely do.
Barry Boulton is President of the Central Sierra Audubon Society and an avid videographer and presenter of bird behaviors and their stories.
Central Sierra Audubon Society
Hosted by Manzanita Writers Press