Manzanita Night Writers &
Writers Unlimited
First and third Monday evenings on ZOOM at 6:30 pm
Email for more information:
1st and 3rd Monday evenings on Zoom at 6:30 pm. Email us for an invitation if you live in a 60-mile radius of San Andreas in Calaveras County or in the California foothills West of the Sierra.
Writers Unlimited, now named Manzanita Night Writers, is a bi-weekly membership writers group and gathering of authors who share their work for peer feedback. The group was founded in 1984 by Monika Rose, and early on, published five Manzanita poetry and prose book collections and three additional The Journal volumes under the name of Writers Unlimited. With the formation of Manzanita Writers Press in 2009, the Manzanita series and other books are now published by MWP, Manzanita Writers Press, a non-profit 501(c)(3) arts organization. Same group, but expanded.
Protocol for
Manzanita Night Writers Sessions
Writers Group Protocol and Guidelines for meaningful and helpful critique sessions:
Everyone in the group agrees that meeting on Zoom is optimum at this time. Every 1st and 3rd Monday from 6:30 – 9:00. Invitations come via email, so be sure we have your correct email address. If a major holiday or special event falls on a Monday, we may not meet, ore we may. Email Monika at for updates.
Membership is by invitation to the Zoom group. Contact if you are interested, and you live in our region. We may do two breakout rooms if the group is too large and everyone has work to share.
Advantages to Zoom:
- No need to print out copies for all members (saves on ink and paper)
- Posting on our Manzanita Writers Press Ning offers an opportunity for writers to get additional feedback and specific edits (group: Manzanita Night Writers). To be invited into the Ning, email me a request:
- Distance accessibility is optimum – we can be anywhere and still join in
- Convenience in the comfort of your own home
General process:
It’s a seriously-friendly group, and we aim to keep it that way.
- Writers share five pages of a manuscript-in-progress on the screen, and they read text aloud (or they can opt to have another participant read, which helps the writer pick up nuances and note where readers stumble over clunky sentences).
- Readers take notes on the text and then share feedback. Group members take turns in offering feedback, one by one.
- Previews of work can be posted on the private, members-only Manzanita Writers NING online writing space in the Manzanita Night Writers Group for viewing by the group only. is the Ning log-in address. You can set up your profile after I send you an email invitation link. Then you will receive an invitation to join the Manzanita Night Writers group inside the larger membership.
- Reviewers may prefer not to offer feedback as they choose. If a listener/reader has any other comments that are not already covered by anyone in the group, after everyone has had a chance to speak who would like to speak, then he/she can bring it up.
- Writers sharing their work are asked not to defend or explain their writing being reviewed, or comment after the group members speak. They listen and may ask for clarification at the end of the reviews or ask questions of reviewers.
- Courteous and positive suggestions for revision are welcome.
- Comments on content structure, style, plot, pacing, transitions, diction, dialogue, themes, character development, voice, tone, literary devices, etc. are the norm.
- Don’t hog the critique time. Leave areas and items to discuss for others. In other words, you may have a list of items to cover, but prioritize, maybe three main things, and if time allows after others have had a chance, then you can add more commentary.
- Every writer has about a half hour of time allotted, including comments, depending on how many are sharing that night.
- Please be sure to note any grammatical/spelling/usage errors in written form on the Ning, which is not necessary to do in discussion. Small grammatical issues should be left out of oral feedback.
- If there is a repetitive craft issue to discuss in a piece, then that can be brought up and we can all benefit from it. The Oxford comma rule may come up, or another stylistic matter of use to the entire group.
- Any private comments regarding the work, as well as follow-up, should be placed on the Ning posting where writers can engage more heavily in the content at their leisure, and where writers can solicit specific commentary from selected members.
- The Ning is a great place to edit the work in more detail, so writers are urged to join the online platform and post their chapters there.
- The work shared visually onscreen for members while the author reads aloud helps comprehension. Often, the writer can pick up on problems when the work is read aloud.
- Writers are encouraged to post their work on the site, of which they must be members (no charge). Contact for more information.
See you 1st and 3rd Monday nights from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, by invitation to the Zoom session. Contact if you are interested. We may do breakout sessions if groups are large.
Service area: Generally, a 70-mile radius of San Andreas, Calaveras County. But some of our members live out of the area. Some have moved out of state and stayed in the group. We are open to all California members with a stake or connection to our press, region, or geographical similarity.
Don’t forget to contact us by email or phone and let us know if you cannot make it to a meeting, especially if you are scheduled to share work to read Give a couple of days notice, please, and notify us early if you were up to read and cannot make it, as we won’t always check email the time prior to meeting.
Normally, we have anywhere from 6 to 10 people attend.
Looking forward to seeing you at the meetings!
ARCHIVES — OUR PAST LIFE up to March 15, 2020, B.C. (before Covid)
Morning group: 1st and 3rd Mondays – 9-11:30 AM at Manzanita Arts Emporium. 1211 S. Main St. Suite 110, Angels Camp. Parking ample. Wheelchair accessible.
Evening group: 2nd and 4th Mondays – 6-9 PM at the Volunteer Center of Calaveras at the San Andreas Elementary School – 255 Lewis Avenue on the lower terrace of San Andreas Elementary School from 6 to 9 pm. From Gold Strike Road, turn onto Lewis Avenue and go down the hill to the bottom. Across from the 25 mph sign, you will see the entrance with the sign to the center. Make a left. Parking is ample. Wheelchair accessible.
NOTE: If there is a 5th Monday, we do not meet that day. Also, on holidays that fall on Monday, generally no meetings. Call to confirm.
Share work, prose and poetry, and all genres and levels, with kind writers. Craft exchange, resources, editing by colleagues all available. Meetings are free.
Contact facilitator to let the group know you are coming:
(209) 728-6117
The group was founded in 1984 by Monika Rose and published five Manzanita poetry and prose book collections and three additional The Journal volumes under the name of Writers Unlimited. With the formation of Manzanita Writers Press in 2009, the Manzanita series and other books are now published by MWP, Manzanita Writers Press, a non-profit 501(c)(3) arts organization. Editing and Publishing services are offered to authors for a reduced cost, depending on the project and goals of the author. Contact us at

Antoinette May, Linda Field, Monika Rose, Glenn Wasson, Getty Ambau at Getty’s Book Launch Party, 9/25/10

Jim Lanier and Glenn Wasson
We love to graze on the written and spoken word. It’s a team effort.
Interview with one of our Writers Unlimited members, Lisa Michelle, on KQBM, by Kat Everitt — Lisa is a filmmaker and writers from West Point, CA.
Flash Fiction
Writers Unlimited members have been known to produce some eclectic brief masterpieces. The photograph above illustrates some of the hidden flash-in-the-pan talent of our writers. This photo is found in Glenn Wasson’s book, Too Much to Swallow, introducing his flash fiction writing.
There will be no writers meetings on holidays such as Christmas and Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc. but call ahead or email for more information concerning Monday holidays. Sometimes, we decide to meet on holiday Mondays.
Please email Writers Unlimited ahead to let them know you are planning on coming as seating is limited. Also, you should attend a couple of sessions before your work is approved for manuscript review. Longtime members receive priority for manuscript review. There is a manuscript and review protocol. Evening meetings: Snacks are brought and shared by the collective. Drop-ins welcome, but be sure to email the facilitator and let her know you are arriving.
Contact: Monika Rose, facilitator
(209) 728-6171
Morning group: 1st and 3rd Mondays – 9-11:30 AM at MAE (Angels Camp art gallery and bookstore – Arts Center)
Evening group: 2nd and 4th Mondays – 6-9 PM at the Volunteer Center of Calaveras at the San Andreas Elementary School – 255 Lewis Avenue on the lower terrace of San Andreas Elementary School from 6 to 9 pm.
WU member authors can sell books in the retail store, receive discounts on writing workshops, classes, events – participate in street fairs, Jumping Frog Jubilee book table sales, book and author signings organized, Wild West Fest in October booth (free), and other events – author writing craft lending library and resources –